Luca Campanini - Youngster 2024

Luca Campanini - Youngsters 2024 Auction


Luca's career in the world of racing pigeons began in 1997, the year in which he began competing in the “Ala Santangiolina” group, one of the best quality groups in Northern Italy, thanks to the help of some pigeon fanciers who donated their pigeons to him.
The results were not long in arriving and Luca made himself known as one of the most promising pigeon fanciers on the national scene. The most important results at a national level date back to the year 2000, and from then on it is a succession of victories and excellent placings. The 1st NAT. OLR Italy F.C.I. FINAL 500 km and the 1st ACE Pigeon the following year (again in the national OLR) are proof of this.
In addition to great arrivals in clubs from 2011 until today, Luca has brought 23 pigeons to the Olympics (our article explains in detail how difficult it is to bring pigeons to this stage) and won in various categories (all round, middle distance, short distance, yearling, young birds) the best ACE Pigeon nationally.
Of the Olympic pigeons, 13 were selected in the last two editions and 8 only in the "sport" categories. Below is the complete list of Olympic Pigeons (in brackets the Olympic Pigeons in the "sport" categories of the last two editions):
“Olympic Nina"
“Olympic Belen”
“Olympic Shakira”
“Olympic Sofia”
“Olympic Beckham”
“Olympic Brina”
“Olympic Chanel”
“Olympic Derby”
“Olympic Sagan” (Oradea 2022)
“Olympic Roglic” (Oradea 2022)
“Olympic Alaphilippe” (Oradea 2022)
“Olympic Italy”
“Olympic Terminator”
“Olympic Almeida” (Oradea 2022)
“Olympic La 37”
“Olympic Cavendish” (Maastricht 2024) - Leggete la sua intervista!
“Olympic Deborah”
“Olympic Rayen”
“Olympic Hindley” (Maastricht 2024)
“Olympic Blue Harry” (Maastricht 2024)
“Olympic Prince”
“Olympic Rubby”
“Olympic Ramos” (Oradea 2022)
These are some of the best results in individual races:
1st Forlì 242 km 1.372 p
1st Castel San Pietro 199 km 1.340 p
1st Castel San Pietro 199 km 1.306 p
1st Forlì 242 km 1.249 p
1st Reg. Int. San Severo 631 km 1.299 p
1st Cesena 254 km 1.277 p
1st Cesena 254 km 1.235 p
1st Cattolica 303 km 1.120 p
1st Cesena 254 km 1.043 p
1st Imola 209 km 944 p
1st Macerata 408 km 943 p
1st Ancona 381 km 896 p
1st Int. Reg. Fano 330 km 868 p
1st Senigallia 350 km 570 p
1st Ancona 381 km 540 p
1st Reg. Int. San Severo 630 km 504 p
1st Castel San Pietro 199 km 502 p
1st Castel San Pietro 199 km 493 p
1st Castel San Pietro 199 km 432 p
1st Castel San Pietro 199 km 419 p
1st Cesena 260 km 401 p
1st Imola 209 km 395 p
1st 303 km 351 p
1st Marotta 342 km 342 p
1st Rimini 337 p
1st Cesena 254 km 309 p
1st Imola 242 km 202 p
2nd Forlì 242 km 1.372 p
2nd Castel San Pietro 199 km 1.340 p
2nd Cesena 254 km 1.340 p
2nd Forlì 242 km 1.336 p
2nd Fano 329 km 1.181 p
2nd Pesaro 314 km 1.075 p
2nd Ancona 381 1.040 p
2nd Senigallia 350 km 964 p
2nd Imola 210 km 944 p
2nd Ancona 381 km 847 p
2nd Ancona 381 km 846 p
2nd Imola 210 km 778 p
2nd Senigallia 350 km 600 p
2nd Intern. Fano 330 km 520 km
2nd Castel San Pietro 199 km 502 p
2nd Castel San Pietro 199 km 419 p
2nd 631 km 412 p
2nd Imola 209 km 395 p
2nd Marotta 342 km 342 p
2nd Imola 209 km 229 p
3rd Cesena 254 km 1.235 p
3rd Cattolica 303 km 1.120 p
3rd Pesaro 314 km 1.075 p
3rd Castel San Pietro 199 km 1.064 p
3rd Cesena 254 km 1.043 p
3rd Ancona 381 km 896 p
3rd Faenza 223 km 777 p
3rd Cesena 257 km 643 p
3rd Senigallia 350 km 600 p
3rd 566 km 523 p
3rd Imola 454 p
3rd Imola 209 km 395 p
3rd Marotta 342 km 316 p
3rd 210 km 201 p
There are many pigeons that have left their mark on Luca's loft, here are some of the most important (especially from recent years):
Probably the most historic breeder of the loft, from which many extraordinary travelers and equally excellent breeders descend, among these there are “Cartier” (father of 4 Olympic pigeons, with two different females) and “Alaphilippe” (Olympian in Oradea 2022) and great player
Super breeder, inbred to “Dolce Vita” by Peter Veenstra and directed by Eddy Van Der Pijl
Dam of “Olympic Alaphilippe” and grandmother of “Champion Eddy” and “Giulio 59” (both sons of “Olympic Alaphilippe” and great sire)
“Olympic Alaphilippe”
Son of “Cocktail” and “Dea”, one of the historical couples and base of the loft and half brother of “Cartier” (from dad's side)
“Alaphilippe” distinguished himself both as a traveler and as a breeder, winner of:
2nd OLYMPIC Pigeon F.C.I. for Italy cat. ACE Pigeon G2 Oradea 2022
1st NAT. TEAM Short distance F.C.I. 2021
1st BEST Yearling F.C.I. prov. 2021
6th NAT. ACE PigeonF.C.I. cat. See you in 2021
1st Imola 209 km 395 p
1st Marotta 342 km 316 p
3rd Cesena 254 km 1.043 p
5th Castel San Pietro 199 km 1.340 p
5th Ancona 381 km 896 p
6th Castel San Pietro 199 km 419 p
7th Senigallia 350 km 600 p
8th Ancona 381 km 364 p
“Alaphilppe” is also the father of two very important pigeons who have been included in the breeding team: “Champion Eddy 60” and “Giulio 59”
Son of “Cocktail” and “Cristal”, super traveler and excellent reproducer
Father of 4 Olympic pigeons with two different females: “Olympic Sagan”, “Olympic Roglic”, “Olympic Hindley” and “Olympic Blue Harry”
Full sister of “Olympic Dave”:
Olympic Pigeon for Italy Brussels 2017
1st GOLD RING Yearling F.C.I. 2018
3rd NAT. ACE Pigeon 2016
2nd Cesena 847 p
2nd Ancona Int. Reg. 968 p
6th Imola 1.050 p
Mother of two Olympic pigeons paired with “Cartier”: Olympic Sagan” and “Olympic Roglic”
“Olympic Sagan”
Son of “Cartier” and “Dany”
1st OLYMPIC Pigeon F.C.I. for Italy cat. G Yearling Oradea 2022
1st NAT. ACE Pigeon F.C.I. cat. See you in 2021
1st NAT. Yearling F.C.I. cat. See you in 2021
1st NAT. TEAM Short distance F.C.I. 2021
1st WOLRD BEST Pigeon F.C.I. for Italy
1st GOLD Yearling F.C.I. prov.
1st Cesena 254 km 1.235 p
1st Castel San Pietro 199 km 1.340 p
1st Cesena 254 km 1.043 p
1st Ancona 381 km 896 p
2nd Imola 209 km 395 p
“Olympic Roglic”
Son of “Cartier” and “Dany”
2nd OLYMPIC Pigeon F.C.I. for Italy cat. G Yearling Oradea 2022
1st NAT. Yearling F.C.I. cat. B 2021
3rd NAT. ACE F.C.I. cat. B 2021
GOLD YEARLING F.C.I. prov. 2021
1st Senigallia 350 km 570 p
2nd Ancona 381 km 846 p
2nd Cesena 254 km 1.043 p
2nd Senigallia 350 km 600 p
2nd Marotta 342 km 342 p
2nd Castel San Pietro 199 km 419 p
“Lady Harry”
Original Jan Hooymans and daughter of “Afgekeurde” (inbred, bred by a brother and daughter of “Harry” by Hooymans):
1st DUTCH Pigeon
7th FINAL winner Million Dollar race 2016 (winner of $20.000)
“Lady Harry” is the mother of two Olympic pigeons paired with “Cartier”: “Olympic Hindley” and “Olympic Blue Harry”
“Olympic Blue Harry”
Son of “Cartier” and “Lady Harry”
“Olympic Blue Harry" is the winner of:
1st OLYMPIC PIGEON cock for Italy F.C.I. cat. All Round Maastricht (Holland) 2024
1st GOLD RING F.C.I. 2023 with 15 prizes
1st NAT. TEAM All Round F.C.I. 2023
2nd NAT. ACE Pigeon F.C.I. cat. All Round 2023
GOLD Yearling F.C.I. 2022
1st Reg. Int. San Severo 631 km 1.299 p
1st Reg. Int. San Severo 630 km 504 p
2nd Forlì 242 km 1.372 p
5th Ancona South 381 km 879 p
5th Vasto 568 km 1.999 p
8th Castel San Pietro 199 km 493 p
“Olympic Hindley”
Son of “Cartier” and “Lady Harry”
3rd OLYMPIC Pigeon F.C.I. for Italy cat. In Maastricht 2024
3rd NAT. TEAM Short distance F.C.I. 2023
1st ACE Pigeon Middle distance 2023
1st GOLD Yearling F.C.I. prov. 2022
1st ACE Pigeon prov. Short distance 2022
1st WOLRD BEST Pigeon F.C.I. cat. A for Italy
1st Cesena 254 km 1.277 p
1st Cattolica 303 km 1.120 p
1st Castel San Pietro 199 km 493 p
1st Castel San Pietro 199 km 432 p
2nd Intern. Fano 330 km 520 p
3rd Castel San Pietro 199 km 1.064 p
5th Cesena 254 km 643 p
7th Imola 210 km 944 p
8th Ancona 381 km 847 p
10th Castel San Pietro 199 km 1.306 p
Descendant of the best Gaby Vandenabeele - Catrysse line, a dynasty specialized for races from any distance
“Mark” is the father of several champions, including two Olympians in the “sport” categories (“Olympic Almeida” and “Olympic Cavendish”) and one Olympian in the “Standard” category (“Olympic Deborah”)
Daughter of “Karima” by Eros Carboni, winner of:
1st OLYMPIC Pigeon for Italy
1st NAT. F.C.I. Middle Distance 2014
1st NAT. F.C.I. Middle Distance 2013
1st NAT. F.C.I. All Round 2013
1st NAT. RING F.C.I. Yearling
“Rima” is the mother of several champions, including two Olympians in the “sport” categories (“Olympic Almeida” and “Olympic Cavendish”) and an Olympian in the “Standard” category (“Olympic Deborah”)
“Olympic Almeida”
Son of the historic couple "Mark" and "Rima", one of the best couples ever in Luca's loft
“Olympic Almeida” is the winner of:
OLYMPIC Pigeon F.C.I. for Italy cat. Yearling Oradea 2022
1st NAT. TEAM Short distance F.C.I. 2021
1st NAT. ACE Pigeon Short distance prov. 2021
8th NAT. ACE Pigeon F.C.I. cat. See you in 2021
GOLD Yearling F.C.I. prov. 2021
1st Castel San Pietro 199 km 1.306 p
2nd Castel San Pietro 199 km 1.340 p
2nd Castel San Pietro 199 km 502 p
2nd Senigallia 350 km 964 p
3rd Cattolica 303 km 1.120 p
3rd Pesarto 314 km 1.075 p
3rd Castel San Pietro 199 km 252 p
4th Senigallia 350 km 600 p
5th Cesena 254 km 1.235 p
Full brother of “Olympic Cavendish” and “Olympic Deborah”
“Olympic Cavendish”
Son of the historic couple "Mark" and "Rima", one of the best couples ever in Luca's loft
“Olympic Cavendish” is the winner of:
3rd OLYMPIC Pigeon F.C.I. for Italy cat. Yearling Maastricht 2024
3rd NAT. TEAM Short distance F.C.I. 2023
3rd NAT. ACE Yearling cat. To 2023
1st GOLD Yearling F.C.I. 2023
1st Forlì 242 km 1.249 p
1st Fano Int. Reg. 330 km 868 p
1st Imola 209 km 944 p
1st Cesena 254 km 309 p
1st Imola 242 km 202 p
2nd Fano 329 km 1,181 p
2nd Imola 209 km 229 p
4th S. Benedetto del Tronto 444 km 808 p
4th Faenza 223 km 777 p
4th Imola 209 km 454 p
Full brother of “Olympic Almieda” and “Olympic Deborah"
“Olympic Deborah”
Daughter of the historic couple "Mark" and "Rima", one of the best couples ever in Luca's loft
“Olympic Deborah” is the winner of:
OLYMPIC Pigeon F.C.I. for Italy Maastricht 2024
5th NAT. SPECIAL RING F.C.I. Yearling 2023
1st GOLD Yearling hen F.C.I. 2023 with 13 prizes
2nd Forlì 242 km 1.336 p
2nd Ancona 381 km 1.040 p
2nd Ancona 381 km 847 p
2nd Imola 242 km 944 p
5th Ferrara 772 p
5th Imola 242 km 454 p
5th Cesena 354 km 309 p
5th Imola 242 km 201 p
6th Imola 242 km 229 p
9th S. Benedetto del Tronto 444 km 808 p
Full sister to “Olympic Almieda” and “Olympic Cavendish”
Original W. A. ​​De Bruijn, director of “Look at me” and “D. Marianne”
Father of an Olympic pigeon in the “sport” category (“Olympic Ramos”) and grandmother of another Olympic pigeon in the “standard” category (Olympic Rayen”, daughter of “Olympic Ramos”)
Another of the best sires of the loft, original Eros Carboni and direct of "Dybala" (Olympic pigeon in a "sport" category) and "Madiva"
Mother of an Olympic pigeon in the “sport” category (“Olympic Ramos”) and grandmother of another Olympic pigeon in the “standard” category (Olympic Rayen, daughter of “Olympic Ramos”)
“Olympic Ramos”
Son of “Orion” and “Dyba”, winner of:
OLYMPIC Pigeon for Italy F.C.I. cat. In Oradea 2022
1st GOLD Yearling F.C.I. prov.
1st ACE Pigeon Middle distance pro. 2021
1st Macerata Interprov. 408 km 943 p
1st Castel San Pietro 199 km 502 p
1st Macerata 408 km 514 p
1st Castel San Pietro 199 km 419 p
2nd Pesaro 314 km 1.075 p
3rd Ancona 381 km 896 p
3rd Marotta 342 km 316 p
5th Senigallia 350 km 600 p
5th Imola 209 km 395 p
6th Ancona 381 km 1.307 p
Father of “Olympic Rayen”, Olympian in the “standard” category at Maastricht 2024
“Blue Rum”
Original W. A. ​​De Bruijn, another great sire of the loft and direct of “Red Rum”, who won:
1st NAT. ACE Pigeon Young PIPA RANKING
9th NAT. ACE Pigeon Young WHZB
11th NAT. ACE Pigeon Young FONDSPIEGEL
1st ACE Pigeon Young AFD. S RAYON OOST
1st ACE Pigeon Middle distance Young SS GOUWE - ISSEL
“New Rossi”
Original Embregts - Theunis, directed by one of the most famous pigeons in the world, “Super Rossi”, which won:
1st Creil 7.696 p
2nd Creil 26.452 p
3rd Nijvel 9.507 p
3rd St. Quentin 8.115 p
3rd Peronne 5.316 p
4th Peronne 19.915 p
6th Pithiviers 4.147 p
“New Rossi” is the grandfather of:
1st NAT. ACE Pigeon F.C.I. cat. See you in 2022
1st GOLD RING Yearling F.C.I. prov. 2022
These pigeons are not only excellent breeders (or racers or both) in the first generation, but are also performing very well in subsequent generations. In fact, many of the top breeders in Luca's loft are their children and grandchildren, here are some:
Another daughter of the historic couple "Mark" and "Rima", "Megan" has proven to be an excellent traveler and an excellent breeder. Winner of:
1st GOLD Yearling F.C.I. hen 2020 prov.
1st Ancona 381 km 540 p
1st Cesena 260 km 401 p
2nd Imola 210 km 778 p
4th Castel San Pietro 199 km 1.340 p
4th Imola 210 km 395 p
7th Marotta 342 km 316 p
10th Ancona 381 km 1.023 p
Full sister to “Olympic Almieda”, “Olympic Cavendish” and “Olympic Deborah"
Mother of “DHL”, excellent traveler and winner of:
GOLD Yearling F.C.I.
1st 303 km 351 p
2nd 631 km 412 p
3rd 566 km 523 p
3rd 210 km 201 p
5th 278 km 337 p
6th 210 km 251 p
7th 379 km 847 p
8th 303 km 553 p
9th 209 km 944 p
14th 566 km 2.339 p
17° 631 km 1.631 p
“Olympic Rayen”
Live by “Olympic Ramos” and “Sissi”, winner of:
1st OLYMPIC Pigeon for Italy F.C.I. cat. hen Maastricht 2024
1st GOLD RING hen F.C.I. 2023
1st GOLD RING hen Yearling F.C.I. 2022
1st NAT. ACE Pigeon F.C.I. cat. All Round 2023
1st NAT. TEAM All Round F.C.I. 2023
1st Intern. Cesena 254 km 404 p
3rd Forlì 242 km 1.372 p
3rd Imola 210 km 944 p
4th Reg. Int. Vasto 568 km 1.999 p
“Champion Eddy 60”
Son of “Olympic Alaphilippe” and “Blue Rum” and winner of:
1st FINAL OLR Milan Best Pigeons Winter Edition 2021-2022 (Team Maarsseveensevaart) from Macerata 408 km
Full brother of “Giulio 59”, another excellent traveler and breeder
“Giulio 59”
Son of “Olympic Alaphilippe” and “Blue Rum” and winner of:
1st SEMI-FINAL OLR Milan Best Pigeons Winter Edition 2021-2022 (Team Redemagni Giulio) from Pesaro 314 km
Full brother to “Champion Eddy 60”, another excellent traveler and breeder
A unique combination, Van Loon and Peter van de Merwe, father of:
2nd ACE Pigeon OLR Milan Best Pigeons Winter Edition 2021-2022
1st Third Race OLR Milan Best Pigeons Winter Edition 2021-2022 from Cesena 253 km
2nd SEMI-FINAL OLR Milan Best Pigeons Winter Edition 2021-2022 from Pesaro 314 m
11th FINAL OLR Milan Best Pigeons Winter Edition 2021-2022 from Macerata 408 km
Now let's move on to the 3 youngsters of the 2024 auction - The auction will end on August 11th at 9.00 pm
“MACALLAN” - watch his presentation on our Youtube channel
Direct “Mojito” and “Sara”, best combination of the top line “Cocktail” and W. A. ​​De Bruijn.
Grandson of 4 super breeders with 2 Olympic pigeons and two times “Cocktail” in the pedigree (great grandfather from father' side and grandfather from mother' side).
Father is “Mojito”, son of “Olympic Alaphilippe”, direct of “Cocktail” and “Dea" that won:
2nd OLYMPIC Pigeon F.C.I. for Italy cat. ACE Pigeon G2 Oradea 2022
1st NAT. TEAM Short distance F.C.I. 2021
1st BEST Yearling F.C.I. prov. 2021
6th NAT. ACE PigeonF.C.I. cat. See you in 2021
1st Imola 209 km 395 p
1st Marotta 342 km 316 p
3rd Cesena 254 km 1.043 p
5th Castel San Pietro 199 km 1.340 p
5th Ancona 381 km 896 p
6th Castel San Pietro 199 km 419 p
7th Senigallia 350 km 600 p
8th Ancona 381 km 364 p
“Olympic Alaphilppe” is also father of two super pigeons, great racers and breeders, “Champion Eddy 60”, winner of:
1st FINAL OLR Milan Best Pigeons Winter Edition 2021-2022 (Team Maarsseveensevaart) from Macerata 408 km
and “Giulio 59”, winner of:
1st SEMI-FINAL OLR Milan Best Pigeons Winter Edition 2021-2022 (Team Redemagni Giulio) from Pesaro 314 km
“Olympic Alaphilppe” is son of “Cocktail”, probably the most historic breeder of the loft, from which many extraordinary racers and equally excellent breeders descend, among these there are “Cartier” (father of 4 Olympic pigeons, with two different hens)
“Olympic Alaphilppe” is also son of “Dea”, super breeder, inbred to “Dolce Vita” by Peter Veenstra and directed by Eddy Van Der Pijl
“Mojito” is also son of “Blue Rum”, original W. A. ​​De Bruijn, another super breeder of the loft and direct of “Red Rum”, that won:
1st NAT. ACE Pigeon Young PIPA RANKING
9th NAT. ACE Pigeon Young WHZB
11th NAT. ACE Pigeon Young FONDSPIEGEL
1st ACE Pigeon Young AFD. S RAYON OOST
1st ACE Pigeon Middle distance Young SS GOUWE - ISSEL
Mother is “Sara”, Hal sister of “Alaphilippe” and “Cartier” (father of 4 Olympic pigeons with two different hens).
“Sara” is daughter of “Cocktail” (above the description of “Cocktail”) and of “Olympic Rayen”, direct of “Olympic Ramos” and “Sissi” and winner of:
1st OLYMPIC Pigeon for Italy F.C.I. cat. hen Maastricht 2024
1st GOLD RING hen F.C.I. 2023
1st GOLD RING hen Yearling F.C.I. 2022
1st NAT. ACE Pigeon F.C.I. cat. All Round 2023
1st NAT. TEAM All Round F.C.I. 2023
1st Intern. Cesena 254 km 404 p
3rd Forlì 242 km 1.372 p
3rd Imola 210 km 944 p
4th Reg. Int. Vasto 568 km 1,999 p
“Olympic Ramos”, grandfather of “Sara” and son of the basic pair “Orion” and “Dyba”, won:
OLYMPIC Pigeon for Italy F.C.I. cat. In Oradea 2022
1st GOLD Yearling F.C.I. prov.
1st ACE Pigeon Middle distance pro. 2021
1st Macerata Interprov. 408 km 943 p
1st Castel San Pietro 199 km 502 p
1st Macerata 408 km 514 p
1st Castel San Pietro 199 km 419 p
2nd Pesaro 314 km 1.075 p
3rd Ancona 381 km 896 p
3rd Marotta 342 km 316 p
5th Senigallia 350 km 600 p
5th Imola 209 km 395 p
6th Ancona 381 km 1.307 p
“MONT BLANC” - watch his presentation on our Youtube channel
This beautiful grizzle cock is son of “Iceberg” and “Megan” and half brother (from mother' side) of “DHL”, that won:
GOLD Yearling F.C.I.
1st 303 km 351 p
2nd 631 km 412 p
3rd 566 km 523 p
3rd 210 km 201 p
5th 278 km 337 p
6th 210 km 251 p
7th 379 km 847 p
8th 303 km 553 p
9th 209 km 944 p
14th 566 km 2.339 p
17th 631 km 1.631 p
Father is “Iceberg”, direct of “Willy” and “Lisa”, two pigeon from one of the historical line of Luca that come from Van Loon and Peter van de Merwe.
“Iceberg” is father of “Blu”, that won:
13th San Severo 631 km Yearling 2024 412 p
“Iceberg” is also father of:
2nd ACE Pigeon OLR Milan Best Pigeons Winter Edition 2021-2022
1st Third Race OLR Milan Best Pigeons Winter Edition 2021-2022 from Cesena 253 km
2nd SEMIFINAL OLR Milan Best Pigeons Winter Edition 2021-2022 from Pesaro 314 m
11th FINAL OLR Milan Best Pigeons Winter Edition 2021-2022 from Macerata 408 km
Mother is “Megan”, daughter of the basic pair “Mark” and “Rima”, super racer and breeder that won:
1st GOLD Yearling F.C.I. hen 2020 prov.
1st Ancona 381 km 540 p
1st Cesena 260 km 401 p
2nd Imola 210 km 778 p
4th Castel San Pietro 199 km 1.340 p
4th Imola 210 km 395 p
7th Marotta 342 km 316 p
10th Ancona 381 km 1.023 p
“Megan” is full sister of “Olympic Almeida”, winner of:
OLYMPIC Pigeon F.C.I. for Italy cat. Yearling Oradea 2022
1st NAT. TEAM Short distance F.C.I. 2021
1st NAT. ACE Pigeon Short distance prov. 2021
8th NAT. ACE Pigeon F.C.I. cat. See you in 2021
GOLD Yearling F.C.I. prov. 2021
1st Castel San Pietro 199 km 1.306 p
2nd Castel San Pietro 199 km 1.340 p
2nd Castel San Pietro 199 km 502 p
2nd Senigallia 350 km 964 p
3rd Cattolica 303 km 1.120 p
3rd Pesarto 314 km 1.075 p
3rd Castel San Pietro 199 km 252 p
4th Senigallia 350 km 600 p
5th Cesena 254 km 1,235 p
“Megan” is also full sister of “Olympic Cavendish”, that won:
3rd OLYMPIC Pigeon F.C.I. for Italy cat. Yearling Maastricht 2024
3rd NAT. TEAM Short distance F.C.I. 2023
3rd NAT. ACE Yearling cat. To 2023
1st GOLD Yearling F.C.I. 2023
1st Forlì 242 km 1,249 p
1st Fano Int. Reg. 330 km 868 p
1st Imola 209 km 944 p
1st Cesena 254 km 309 p
1st Imola 242 km 202
2nd Fano 329 km 1.181 p
2nd Imola 209 km 229 p
4th S. Benedetto del Tronto 444 km 808 p
4th Faenza 223 km 777 p
4th Imola 209 km 454 p
“Megan” is also full sister of “Olympic Deborah”, that won:
OLYMPIC Pigeon F.C.I. for Italy Maastricht 2024
5th NAT. SPECIAL RING F.C.I. Yearling 2023
1st GOLD Yearling hen F.C.I. 2023 with 13 prizes
2nd Forlì 242 km 1.336 p
2nd Ancona 381 km 1.040 p
2nd Ancona 381 km 847 p
2nd Imola 242 km 944 p
5th Ferrara 772 p
5th Imola 242 km 454 p
5th Cesena 354 km 309 p
5th Imola 242 km 201 p
6th Imola 242 km 229 p
9th S. Benedetto del Tronto 444 km 808 p
“Megan” is also mother of “DHL”
“Megan” is daughter of “Mark”, descendant of the best Gaby Vandenabeele - Catrysse line, a dynasty specialized for races from any distance
“Megan” is also daughter of “Rima”, daughter of “Karima” by Eros Carboni, that won:
1st OLYMPIC Pigeon for Italy
1st NAT. F.C.I. Middle Distance 2014
1st NAT. F.C.I. Middle Distance 2013
1st NAT. F.C.I. All Round 2013
1st NAT. RING F.C.I. Yearling
- watch her presentation on our Youtube channel
This beautiful hen is directed by “Olympic Hindley” and of “Hollywood”.
“Elektra” is full sister of “Hindley 79”, best flyer in Pattaya International OLR 2023, that won:
57th ACE Pigeon before the final
9th Qualifying Toss Pattaya OLR 2023 120km 8.702p
27th Hotspot 1 Pattaya OLR 2023 245 km 7.359 p
Father is “Olympic Hindley”, one of the best racer of the last years winner of:
3rd OLYMPIC Pigeon F.C.I. for Italy cat. A Maastricht 2024
3rd NAT. TEAM Short distance F.C.I. 2023
1st ACE Pigeon Middle distance 2023
1st GOLD Yearling F.C.I. prov. 2022
1st ACE Pigeon prov. Short distance 2022
1st WOLRD BEST Pigeon F.C.I. cat. A for Italy
1st Cesena 254 km 1.277 p
1st Cattolica 303 km 1.120 p
1st Castel San Pietro 199 km 493 p
1st Castel San Pietro 199 km 432 p
2nd Int. Fano 330 km 520 p
3rd Castel San Pietro 199 km 1.064 p
5th Cesena 254 km 643 p
7th Imola 210 km 944 p
8th Ancona 381 km 847 p
10th Castel San Pietro 199 km 1.306 p
“Olympic Hindley” is son of “Cartier”, son of “Cocktail” and “Cristal”, super racer and excellent breeder, father of 4 Olympic pigeons with two different females: “Olympic Sagan”, “Olympic Roglic”, “Olympic Hindley” and “Olympic Blue Harry”
“Olympic Hindley” is also son of “Lady Harry”, original Jan Hooymans and daughter of “Afgekeurde” (inbred, bred by a brother and daughter of “Harry” by Hooymans), that won:
1st DUTCH Pigeon
7th FINAL winner Million Dollar race 2016 (winner of $20,000)
“Lady Harry” is the mother of two Olympic pigeons paired with “Cartier”: “Olympic Hindley” and “Olympic Blue Harry”
“Olympic Hindley” is full brother of “Olympic Blue Harry”, winner of:
1st OLYMPIC PIGEON cock for Italy F.C.I. cat. All Round Maastricht (Holland) 2024
1st GOLD RING F.C.I. 2023 with 15 prizes
1st NAT. TEAM All Round F.C.I. 2023
2nd NAT. ACE Pigeon F.C.I. cat. All Round 2023
GOLD Yearling F.C.I. 2022
1st Int. Reg. San Severo 631 km 1.299 p
1st Int. Reg. San Severo 630 km 504 p
2nd Forlì 242 km 1.372 p
5th Ancona Sud 381 km 879 p
5th Vasto 568 km 1.999 p
8th Castel San Pietro 199 km 493 p
“Olympic Hindley” is also half brother (from father’ side) of “Olympic Sagan”, that won:
1st OLYMPIC Pigeon F.C.I. for Italy cat. G Yearling Oradea 2022
1st NAT. ACE Pigeon F.C.I. cat. A 2021
1st NAT. Yearling F.C.I. cat. A 2021
1st NAT. TEAM Short distance F.C.I. 2021
1st WOLRD BEST Pigeon F.C.I. for Italy
1st GOLD Yearling F.C.I. prov.
1st Cesena 254 km 1.235 p
1st Castel San Pietro 199 km 1.340 p
1st Cesena 254 km 1.043 p
1st Ancona 381 km 896 p
2nd Imola 209 km 395 p
“Olympic Hindley” is also half brother (from father’ side) of “Olympic Roglic”, that won:
2nd OLYMPIC Pigeon F.C.I. for Italy cat. G Yearling Oradea 2022
1st NAT. Yearling F.C.I. cat. B 2021
3rd NAT. ACE F.C.I. cat. B 2021
GOLD YEARLING F.C.I. prov. 2021
1st Senigallia 350 km 570 p
2nd Ancona 381 km 846 p
2nd Cesena 254 km 1.043 p
2nd Senigallia 350 km 600 p
2nd Marotta 342 km 342 p
2nd Castel San Pietro 199 km 419 p
Mother is “Hollywood”, direct of “Mark” and “Rima”, one of the basic pair of the loft.
“Hollywood” is full sister of “Olympic Almeida”, winner of:
OLYMPIC Pigeon F.C.I. for Italy cat. Yearling Oradea 2022
1st NAT. TEAM Short distance F.C.I. 2021
1st NAT. ACE Pigeon Short distance prov. 2021
8th NAT. ACE Pigeon F.C.I. cat. A 2021
GOLD Yearling F.C.I. prov. 2021
1st Castel San Pietro 199 km 1.306 p
2nd Castel San Pietro 199 km 1.340 p
2nd Castel San Pietro 199 km 502 p
2nd Senigallia 350 km 964 p
3rd Cattolica 303 km 1.120 p
3rd Pesarto 314 km 1.075 p
3rd Castel San Pietro 199 km 252 p
4th Senigallia 350 km600 p
5th Cesena 254 km 1.235 p
“Hollywood” is also full sister of “Olympic Cavendish”, that won:
3rd OLYMPIC Pigeon F.C.I. for Italy cat. Yearling Maastricht 2024
3rd NAT. TEAM Short distance F.C.I. 2023
3rd NAT. ACE Yearling cat. A 2023
1st GOLD Yearling F.C.I. 2023
1st Forlì 242 km 1.249 p
1st Fano Int. Reg. 330 km 868 p
1st Imola 209 km 944 p
1st Cesena 254 km 309 p
1st Imola 242 km 202 p
2nd Fano 329 km 1.181 p
2nd Imola 209 km 229 p
4th S. Benedetto del Tronto 444 km 808 p
4th Faenza 223 km 777 p
4th Imola 209 km 454 p
“Hollywood” is also full sister of “Olympic Deborah”, that won:
OLYMPIC Pigeon F.C.I. for Italy Maastricht 2024
5th NAT. SPECIAL RING F.C.I. Yearling 2023
1st GOLD Yearling hen F.C.I. 2023 with 13 prizes
2nd Forlì 242 km 1.336 p
2nd Ancona 381 km 1.040 p
2nd Ancona 381 km 847 p
2nd Imola 242 km 944 p
5th Ferrara 772 p
5th Imola 242 km 454 p
5th Cesena 354 km 309 p
5th Imola 242 km 201 p
6th Imola 242 km 229 p
9th S. Benedetto del Tronto 444 km 808 p
“Hollywood” is also full sister of “Megan”, that won:
1st GOLD Yearling F.C.I. hen 2020 prov.
1st Ancona 381 km 540 p
1st Cesena 260 km 401 p
2nd Imola 210 km 778 p
4th Castel San Pietro 199 km 1.340 p
4th Imola 210 km 395 p
7th Marotta 342 km 316 p
10th Ancona 381 km 1.023 p
“Hollywood” is daughter of “Mark”, descendant of the best Gaby Vandenabeele - Catrysse line, a dynasty specialized for races from any distance
“Megan” is also daughter of “Rima”, daughter of “Karima” by Eros Carboni, that won:
1st OLYMPIC Pigeon for Italy
1st NAT. F.C.I. Middle Distance 2014
1st NAT. F.C.I. Middle Distance 2013
1st NAT. F.C.I. All Round 2013
1st NAT. RING F.C.I. Yearling